Seminar General Description:
What is a Method K9 seminar?
At Method K9, we specialize in behavioral rehabilitation of dogs of all ages and breeds. Our traveling seminars are 2-day events designed to bring Stephanie and her team to an area near you. These events cover a core curriculum, including but not limited to: dog-handler relationship, drives, classical and operant conditioning, obedience, and proper use of training equipment. These events also allow us to create a catered training plan for the dogs in attendance and their behavioral issues such as: reactivity, anxiety, fear, aggression, and resource guarding.
What type of seat should I purchase?
Working Seats ($1050)—these seats allow for 2 handlers and one dog to attend. Stephanie and her staff will work with you and your dog throughout the weekend on the issues you are struggling with. You will also have the opportunity for a one-hour meeting before the start of each seminar day to meet with Stephanie, ask questions, introduce your dog, and set your dog up for success before the training for the day begins.
Observation Seats ($450)—these seats allow for one observer without a dog. Observers will have the opportunity to ask questions, observe Stephanie and her staff work the dogs, and follow the group for all exercises. These seats allow observers the opportunity to see how Stephanie works with multiple different dogs, rather than just the dog in front of them.
*These tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE*
How does it work?
The seminars will consist of two 8-hour training days (9am to 5pm) with 1 hour for lunch (these events are not catered.) Working seats will have an additional hour in the morning to work with Stephanie (8am to 9am). There will be a rotation of theory and hands-on training. Dogs will be left in their vehicles and taken out in small groups to ensure safety and one-on-one attention. Certificates will be given upon completion.
What do I need to do to attend?
Working Seats: ($1050)
Fill out a contact form on our website methodk9.com
Schedule an interview call and pay subsequent invoice upon approval.
Submit vaccine records (we require rabies, distemper/parvo, and Bordetella) and a negative fecal parasite test at least 30 days prior to the event.
An evaluation update in the form of a word document describing the issues you are struggling with your dog. Please submit this 30 days prior so Stephanie and her staff can study it prior to the event.
Muzzle condition your dog. All dogs must be muzzle conditioned to Method K9’s standards (they need to be able to walk and eat through the muzzle) prior to the event. While we may not ask you to use your muzzle, if we do recommend it for safety, we do not want the dog’s first experience with the muzzle to be in a new or stressful environment. We will supply detailed tutorials to help you accomplish this.
Observation Seats: ($450)
Purchase a ticket under our events tab.
What do I need to bring?
Working Seats: ($1050)
An approved muzzle (Baskerville, Jafco, Dean and Tyler, Leerburg, or custom biothane). The ideal muzzle cannot be pulled off and allows the dog to eat, drink, and pant. Please do not use fabric or nylon muzzles.
Long Line
Food for the dog (this can be treats or the dog’s daily meals) and a treat bag.
A collar the dog cannot slip out of (martingale, fursaver, choke chain, Herm Sprenger prong collar, slip lead).
Standard walking leash between 4 and 6 feet.
Place cot
Water dish for your dog.
Your own chairs for the seminar.
Notebook and pen for notes if you like.
Appropriate attire. Please no swimsuits, flip flops/open-toed shoes, or low hanging jewelry. We recommend comfortable walking shoes and dressing in layers as the temperature might change throughout the day.
Observation Seats: ($450)
Your own chair for the seminar.
Notebook and pen for notes if you would like.
Appropriate attire. Please no swimsuits, flip flops/open-toed shoes, or low hanging jewelry. We recommend comfortable walking shoes and dressing in layers as the temperature might change throughout the day.
To attend you must understand and agree to our Release of Liability.
Release of Liability Agreement
I hereby assume responsibility for all conduct and actions of myself and my dog and to release Method K9, LLC from any and all claims and demands that might occur during or after participation in Method K9, LLC training session/evaluation/class.
Furthermore, I agree to release Method K9, LLC and its employees and will hold them harmless from any liability that might arise from incidents or accidents involving me and/or my dog during or after said session/evaluation/class.
I authorize the use of my picture and/or my dog’s picture for promotional purposes.
If you would like us to come to a city near you and are willing to host us on your property, please email us at seminars@methodk9.com